#Englishcourse 01. Timeline

Hello, I’m doing the course named “English composition I” on Coursera platform, and as the first assignment, I have to write with simple words a timeline about my life.
Well, my name is Saulo and my first memory was when I had 2 or 3 years old. I remember to be playing with something while my mom was cooking when my father has come from his work with a box. Inside this box, there were some little pieces of toys looking like lego pieces.
In my infancy, I liked to play on the school playground where had a sandbox, balance, slides, and more.
Pre-teen age I had my first achievement, I win a regional chess tournament when I was 12 years old.
Now (Teen) I discovered that life can be so hard sometimes, my dad passed away when I was 14 =/ I began to work in a LAN house to help my mom with some money.
When young adult, I was working in a call center named Atento SA x.x one of the worst employees that a had. Was then that I had decided to study and started my first degree, Radiology Technologist.
As an adult, I was working in a hospital when my full work team was fired to cut costs =/ then I started my master’s degree researching laser effects on breast cancer cells.
Today I’m had continued the academic area doing my Ph.D. while study about programming and data science with python language.