#DS 01. Why Data Science?

Someday I was looking for “how to get data from a website and transform it into graphs python” Then I had learned what I really want to google is: “How to webscrape in python”.
After one or two hours of search and more search, I wrote the code below:

When I run this code and a .txt file contained covid numbers in table format had appeared in the directory I just smiled, but insides I was yelling and dancing as never before.
It was then that I was introduced to the data science world. Then I thought “wow, that's amazing! what more can I do with python or pandas?” Numpy, data frames, tables, graphs, data analysis, statistics are some examples that I found. With these tips and more I just realized that looks like my current position on my Ph.D. where I collect data from experiments, organize them, and work with these data looking for patterns, outliers, statistical difference between experimental groups and more.
And that's how I decided to study more about this world and who knows, works as a Data Scientist someday.
To reach this goal I’m studying so hard about:
- Python
Coursera is an excellent platform to get some knowledge about everything, and thinking about this I had started the course named “Python from everyone” at the University of Michigan, this course has a duration of 7 weeks but I think I can finish in less time, 3 or 4 weeks maybe.
Moreover, I finished a nano course of basics in python from a conceited institution in Brazil named FIAP.
Furthermore, every night I was working on a personal project where I have an excel file containing some data about sales from malls of a city, with this data I pretend to verify what were the best selling products, from what mall, which is the manager responsible, and at the end, present data in graphs in a .ppt file. - Data Science
Coursera again hehe I started a course named “Introduction to Data Science in Python” at the University of Michigan again. this course is amazing. I learning about pandas, NumPy, tables, data frames, and much more. As I move forward, I’ll write how progress is going, but the difficulty is reasonable I really have to stop everything to make the assignments.
That's it for now.
Feel free to correct me in any sentence from the text above.